European Forum Alpbach, Economic Symposium, August 30, Alpbach
Plenary Session in cooperation with Drucker Forum: Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Work
54. SMG Forum (Schweizerische Management Gesellschaft), September 7, Zurich
The Right Timing, Keynote by Julia Kirby
Wirtschaftsforum der Führungskräfte (WdF) – Peter Drucker Dialog, September 7, Vienna
Digitalisierung und Gesellschaft (in German language)
1st Hackathon du Management, September 19 & 20, Paris
at the Banque de France, Keynote by Richard Straub
The 3rd Entrepreneurs World Summit, September 20-21, Stockholm
A convention for the world's foremost entrepreneurs
11th TOPOS Conference, Tokyo, September 22
Re-Conceiving Japanese Management for the 21st Century
19th Annual ILA Conference (International Leadership Association), October 12–15, Brussels
Leadership in Turbulent Times, Panel with Richard Straub
Thinkers50 2017 Awards Gala, November 13, London
A gathering of great business minds, celebrating the very best in management thinking
Agenda Austria, November 13, Vienna
Lunch discussion with Top Executives, like Curt Carlson | Invitation only
WU Executive Academy, November 15, Vienna
Living the American dream: prosperity for everybody, with Roger Martin | Invitation only
Innovationskongress, November 15, Villach
Keynotes by Curt Carlson, Efoso Ojomo and Tammy Erickson
Taddeo Executive Breakfast, November 21, Paris
with Steve Blank
Invitation only
Startups, Unternehmertum und Innovation: Arbeitsbericht aus dem Blickwinkel eines Venture Capitalist, February 21, 2018
with Oliver Holle, in cooperation with "manager lounge"
Invitation only
Die DNA des exzellenten Unternehmens, September 3, 2018
Wirtschaftsforum der Führungskräfte
Invitation only